
Build with yield

Blast is an L2 with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Yield makes it possible to create new revenue streams and provide novel rewards for end-users.

An evm-compatible L2 designed to help you and your users earn more.

Native yield

Yield as a primitive unlocks new business models for Dapps. ETH and stablecoins bridged to Blast automatically earn yield. Dapps can easily monetize deposits with a single config.

Gas Fee Revenue

Other L2s keep revenue from gas fees for themselves. Blast gives this revenue back to developers programatically. Keep this revenue for yourself or use it to subsidize gas fees for your users.


50% of the Blast Airdrop has been reserved for developers. The Developer Airdrop launches in January along with the Blast Testnet.

If you've deployed on mainnet or any L2, you can easily deploy on Blast.

Blast is EVM equivalent, so you can build Dapps on Blast without learning a new toolkit. All your code, tools, and infrastructure work out of the box.

interface IBlast {
    // See IBlast interface source code

contract ContractWithAutomaticYield {
    constructor() {
        // Contract balance will grow automatically

interface IBlast {
    // See IBlast interface source code

contract ContractWithClaimableYield {
    constructor() {
    function claimYield(address recipient, uint256 amount) external {
        // This function is public meaning anyone can claim the yield
        IBlast(0x43...02).claimYield(address(this), recipient, amount);
    function claimAllYield(address recipient) external {
        // This function is public meaning anyone can claim the yield
        IBlast(0x43...02).claimAllYield(address(this), recipient);

interface IBlast {
    // See IBlast interface source code

contract ContractEarnsGasFeeRevnue {
    constructor() {
    function claimAllGas(address recipient) external {
        // This function is public meaning anyone can claim the gas
        IBlast(0x43...02).claimAllGas(address(this), recipient);

Compatible with

Compatible with HardhatCompatible with Foundry

It's time to ditch other L2s

Blast has the same features you love on other L2s while providing 10x more value.

Blast comparison with other L2's

$2.7B liquidity waiting for you

476,645 users have deposited $2.7B to Blast in anticipation of the mainnet launch in February. When the Blast mainnet launches, the bridge contract will unlock and release all those users and funds to your dapps.


Blast Developer Airdrop

The Blast Developer Airdrop goes live in January, when the Blast Testnet launches. 50% of the Blast airdrop has been allocated for developers. Instructions on how to claim the airdrop and how it works will be shared upon testnet launch.

Early Access Airdrop timeline

Join the Community

In the meantime, join our developer community on Discord to learn more about Blast (also so you don't miss the airdrop).

Infrastructure Partners

The Graph

Need More Info?

More docs will be available when the Blast Developer Airdrop and Testnet launches in January. In the meantime, join our Discord to learn more.